RPAC chairperson’s welcome
Dear Colleagues,
Change is a constant in our industry. Knowledge and an in-depth understanding of today’s market are two of the most important tools REALTORS® need to excel in Real Estate. But to ensure the success of our future, we need to remain constant in our commitment to protect real property rights and advocate issues that could adversely impact our industry.
This is where the REALTOR® Political Action Committee proves vital.
RPAC lobbies on behalf of all real estate professionals at national, state and local levels of government in support of the real estate community. The REALTOR Political Action Committee advocates for issues like; business rent tax, flood insurance reform, water quality, Condominium reform, and affordable housing.
It is my honor to serve as your RPAC Committee Chairperson for 2024. I am asking all members to show their commitment to our industry by supporting RPAC. Your investments will make an enormous impact!
Candice Kelly
RPAC Fundraising Chair 2024
Recent successes
Contributions are used to help candidates from all parties who understand and support both our interests in the real estate industry and our homeowners. Here are a few areas in which RPAC has helped you and your clients:
- Across Florida in 2020, more than 95% of the State House and Senate candidates endorsed by Florida REALTORS® won their elections
- Real estate industry designated as essential service
- Covid-19 Pandemic Unemployment Assistance for REALTORS®
- Payroll Protection Program available to REALTORS®
- Prevented a sales tax on your real estate commissions
- Flood insurance reform
- Property tax reform
- Affordable benefits for REALTOR® members
- Retained the annual mortgage interest deduction
- RPAC also played a large part in the extension of the First Time Homebuyer tax credit which aided in the revitalization of a slumping housing market by making homeownership more affordable for families across the nation.
Vote. Act. Invest.
The REALTOR® Party is a powerful alliance of REALTORS® and REALTOR® Associations working to advance public policies and candidates that build strong communities, protect property interests and promote a vibrant business environment.
Helpful Links
REALTOR® Party Orientation Video (NAR)
Pints and Politics
Have a drink and a chat with local politicians and your fellow members while supporting local busineses!
Keep on eye on our events calendar and follow PRO/CPRO on Facebook for dates.
Who we are
Candice Kelly
Kent Rodahaver
Staff Liaison
Travis Norton
Coming soon
Double Hall of Fame
$50,000+ Lifetime
David Bennett
Frank Gregoire
Fred Hintenberger
Kim Meredith-Hampton
Nancy Riley
Hall of Fame
$25,000+ Lifetime
Cyndee Haydon
Mark Middleton
John Rurkowski
PRO Business Affiliates/p>
President’s Circle
$2,000 contributed directly to REALTOR®-friendly candidates at the federal level annually
David Bennett
Frank Gregoire
Cyndee Haydon
Mark Middleton
Kent Rodahaver
Linda Wilson
Platinum R
$10,000 Annually
Fred Hintenberger
Kim Meredith-Hampton
Mark Middleton
Golden R
$5,000 Annually
David Bennett
Frank Gregoire
Cyndee Haydon
Kelly Lee McFrederick
Nancy Riley
Linda Wilson
PRO Business Affiliates
SEC Inspections
Crystal R
$2,500 Annually
Darlene Sheetsffffffffff
Kelly Lee McFrederick
Linda Goldfarb
Mike Wyckoff
Peggy Naruns
Sandy Waterbury
Sterling R
$1,000 Annually
Adam Jonas
Alberto Baalbaki
Angela Emerson
April Gayle Gausman
Becky Zarecki
Bob McDugald
Brad Meinck
Brandi Gabbard
Candice Kelly
Christi Jensen
Corina Silva
Glen Richardson
Heather Breckenridge
Joe Farrell
John Ricker
Ken Breland
Kent Rodahaver
Manuela Hendrickson
Maria Kadau
Mindy Rovillo
Mollyana Ward
Prohealth Pest Control
Stephanie See
Tom Shelly
Tom Steck
Travis Norton
Wyatt Wikle
Yolanda Hodges
Get involved
Uniting of the Lions
One of the benefits of being a top investor is having exclusive access to VIP events and communications, as well as recognized as a "Lion" among members.
Local candidate recommendation process
It’s of utmost importance that PRO/CPRO recommends candidates who have the real estate industry’s best interest at heart. Their decisions affect both REALTOR® members and members of the public. The process below shows how we arrive at recommending them:
Step One
Public Policy Committee consists of 18 REALTOR® members who serve three year terms.
Step Two
Invitations are sent to all candidates running locally for public office.
Step Three
Candidate questionnaires are required by each candidate, to be reviewed by the Public Policy Committee.
Step Four
Interviews are held in-person by all candidates on the ballot.
Step Five
Recommendations are based on how candidates align with PRO/CPRO's policy positions and electability.
Step Six
Local recommendations are announced after the Board of Directors approves Public Policy Committee's recomendations. State and federal candidates undergo further approval by corresponding committees at Florida Realtors and NAR.