Supra eKEY and SupraWEB are currently addressing an outage affecting service. They are actively working to resolve this issue. Thank you for your patience.

The 2025 Membership Renewal invoices are available on the Member Portal! To avoid a $75 late fee, renew by Monday, December 16.

The 2025 Membership Renewal invoices are available on the Member Portal! To avoid a $75 late fee, renew by Monday, December 16.

Keybox Policy

A member service of Pinellas REALTOR® Organization & Central Pasco REALTOR® Organization (PRO/CPRO)

A Keybox is a container affixed to a property containing a device to gain access to the property being marketed by a REALTOR®. Other REALTORS® are authorized under certain conditions to open these Keyboxes under terms specified by the listing broker. Cooperating brokers and sales licensees, functioning in any type of legal brokerage relationship with potential purchasers, must contact the listing broker to disclose their brokerage relationship status and to arrange appointments to show the listed property even if the property has a Keybox affixed to it, unless the listing broker has given specific permission (through information published in a multiple listing service or otherwise) to show the property without first contacting the listing broker. Keyboxes are not security devices but are a convenience by which to expedite the showing of property. Nothing shall prevent the owner’s right to refuse to have a Keybox on his property.

The key system offered through Pinellas REALTOR® Organization & Central Pasco REALTOR® Organization (PRO/CPRO) is a member service available to REALTOR® members and to certain affiliate members who are actively engaged in a recognized field of real estate practice or in related fields. Affiliate members shall have access through Call Before Showing Codes (CBS Codes) for Active Key users or full access by using their personal smartphone for key access. PRO members must agree to comply with all the provisions of keyholder and Keybox contractual vendor agreements and leases and with the rules, policies and security requirements for Keybox use. Violation of these rules, policies or security requirements shall result in fines or in loss of the privilege of using a Keybox key or the Keybox system.

Keybox System

PRO/CPRO has an exclusive contract with SUPRA Products, a NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS’® (NAR) approved vendor as the Keybox vendor. This system meets the minimum security measures adopted by NAR and by PRO/CPRO.

The system includes:

  1. SUPRA eKEY is an application on your phone used to open Keyboxes throughout all of central Florida. These eKEYs are issued to members under a lease agreement with Supra.

  2. BTLE (Keybox) The keybox uses bluetooth technology to communicate with the eKEY app. The Keybox key records entry into properties and transmits the information to the system. The keybox is compatible with a large number of smartphones and tablets.

  3. SupraWEB is the site where Keybox users may log on and view tutorials, get information about eKey compatible devices, pay bills, and access reports.

  4. Reciprocal access. The Keybox system also provides access to keyboxes located throughout Central Florida, extending from Sarasota County to Hernando County and east to west from Pinellas County through Orlando.

Issuance of eKEYs and Equipment

eKEYs are issued through PRO/CPRO to an individual under a lease agreement with SUPRA. Under no circumstances shall anyone other than the keyholder have use of the key. Keys shall not be shared, loaned, or given to any other person to use to enter a property.

To be issued a key, members must read and execute a lease agreement, pay the required fees, and attend training on the use of the key.

PRO/CPRO will refuse to lease Keybox keys, may terminate existing key lease agreements, and will refuse to activate or reactivate any key held by an individual convicted of a felony or misdemeanor if the crime, in the determination of the Association relates to the real estate business or puts clients, customers, or other real estate professionals at risk.

No member shall be required to lease a Keybox key from the Association. Leasing a Keybox key is on a voluntary basis.

Keys shall be deactivated by the Association for non-payment of key fees or membership dues. Keys may be deactivated for noncompliance with Code of Ethics sanctions or sanctions for violations of membership duties. Lost, stolen or missing keys will be deactivated when reported to the Association.

Keybox procedures to enter a property

These are the procedures for using the Keybox system:

Access to Property

All members who use a Keybox key must

  • Contact the listing broker unless given other specific instructions whether in a multiple listing service or otherwise.
  • Disclose their brokerage relationship or other status to the listing broker.
  • Arrange an appointment to show or enter the property.

Note: The fact that a property has a Keybox available for use does not authorize any keyholder to enter or show the property without first contacting the listing broker.

Leaving the Property

All property keys or other entry devices must be returned to the Keybox container. Under no circumstances are property keys or entry devices to be given to anyone at any time. They are available to enter the property as specified in these rules only.

Keybox breach of security

The Keybox security requirements of the National Association of REALTORS®, as from time to time amended, are hereby adopted and made a part of these Rules and Regulations.

An automatic $5,000 fine OR a $1,000 fine and use of an eKEY only will be assessed for any of the following violations listed below. Keybox privileges will be suspended until the member fully complies with either sanction.

  • Giving the property keys or access devices obtained from the Keybox container to any individual whatsoever.
  • Writing the PIN where it is accessible if lost or stolen.
  • Allowing anyone (spouse, significant other, team member, personal assistant, etc., other than keyholder) to use the PIN or key.

A $100 fine will be automatically assessed for:

  • Failure to replace the property key or other access device back in the Keybox.

Suspension and fines

A member who receives a suspension or fine may request a hearing before the Professional Standards Committee of Pinellas REALTOR® Organization & Central Pasco REALTOR® Organization (PRO/CPRO) by filing a written request for such a hearing.

Lost or stolen keys

These procedures are adopted in compliance with the National Association of REALTORS®.

  1. Keyholders must report to PRO/CPRO immediately a potential breach of the system and lost or stolen keys.
  2. Keyholders must report stolen keys to the police department. Keyholders must provide PRO/CPRO with a copy of the police report as soon as possible.