Community Outreach
Giving back
REALTORS® are engaged neighbors committed to building and enhancing the communities they serve. Through the Pinellas REALTOR® Foundation, our members make a huge impact on multiple organizations throughout the Tampa Bay area. Organizations we’ve worked with touch the lives of local children, families, the elderly, our military veterans, and even the environment in which we all enjoy through road and waterway clean ups.
All charitable initiatives are coordinated through our Foundation to ensure alignment with our mission and maximize community impact. Members are invited to submit proposals for charitable initiatives. These proposals will be reviewed based on specific criteria. Click here to review the criteria and selection process, and submit a proposal.
Pinellas REALTOR® Foundation
The mission of the Pinellas REALTOR® Foundation is to improve lives and strengthen our community. We work with charities that promote a hands-up/helping hand attitude.
The Foundation also supports our members’ community involvement, advocacy, and professional growth. Member dedication is recognized annually through various awards, including the Good Neighbor Award which provides grants to member charities.
Local organizations the Foundation and PRO/CPRO networks have recently supported:
- Habitat for Humanity
- Pinellas County Opportunity Council
- Keep Pinellas Beautiful
- Keep Pasco Beautiful
- The Kind Mouse
- Silver Santas
- Heels to Heal
- Circle of Veterans and Families
- Babycycle
- Women With Purpose
- Help Us Gather (HUG)
- Operation Military Matters
- Fostering Hope Florida
- St. Anthony’s Triathlon
- Clearwater Jazz Holiday
- Clothes to Kids
- Boys & Girls Club of the Suncoast
- Boley Angels
Become a Foundation Investor Today
To strengthen our commitment to the community and recognize those dedicated to making positive impacts that affect us all, every GTR + PRO/CPRO member is challenged to give $100 annually to the Foundation.
With over 25,000 members, we have strength in numbers. If every GTR + PRO/CPRO member contributed, imagine the impact we would have on the community. The Foundation is grateful for contributions of any size and frequency. Will you step up and become an investor?
Pinellas Realtor® Foundation is classified as a public charity under code section 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi) and is Exempt Organization under code section 501 (c) (3) and all donations are considered tax deductible.
A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE WITHIN THE STATE. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMEDATION BY THE STATE. To verify registration and finanical information of the Pinellas Realtor® Foundation, call the Florida Division of Consumer Services toll-free hotline at 1-800-HELPFLA (1 -800-435-7352) or visit The Pinellas Realtor® Foundation is located at 4590 Ulmerton Road, Clearwater, Florida 33762. Registration #: CH19201
2023 Foundation Board of Trustees
The role of the Foundation Trustees is to be a fiduciary of the funds and to see that the organization is fulfilling the mission and vision of the organization. They also are the spokespersons of the foundation to the community and are responsible for fostering goodwill with other non-profits and community leaders.
- Glen Richardson
- Brandi Gabbard
- Tom Shelly
- Leon Sarkisian
- Lars Kier
- Manuela Hendrickson
- Dylan Barrie
- Tina Housdan
- Kevin Batdorf
- David Bennett, CEO/Trustee
Affiliate Business Partners' outreach efforts

How our Affiliates get involved:
- Annual Wine & Food Festival
- Donation drives
- Fundraising at meetings
- Fundraising at seasonal expos
- Quarterly road clean-ups
- Habitat for Humanity builds
Young Professionals Network's (YPN) outreach efforts

How YPN gets involved:
- Footgolf Tournament
- Thanksgiving food drive
- Back to school supply drive
- Go-Kart races
- Night out at the Ballpark event
- Waterway clean up
About our awards
Recognizing members for their dedication to improving their communities is an important function of the Foundation. Our highly regarded Good Neighbor Award does just that.
In addition to the awards members can apply for, each year we recognize members for their longevity in the industry and their leadership within the association through our REALTOR® of the Year, Emeritus Award, and Distinguished Service Award honors.
Recipients (or their representative) and allowed guests are expected to fully attend the events at which they are honored. Each will be honored by name and presented their award package with a handshake photo opportunity. Recipients may be invited to kindly share their testimony at a later date.
Local charities Good Neighbor Award grants have recently supported:
- The Kind Mouse
- Operation: Military Matters
- Boley Angels
- The Harbor Dish
- Keep Pinellas Beautiful
- Girls on the Run Greater Tampa Bay
Good Neighbor Award
Recognizes outstanding commitment to a local charity.
Have you made an extraordinary impact on your community by giving your time and resources, or know a fellow member that has? We want to honor you or that person as a “Good Neighbor.”
Both REALTOR® and Affiliate Business Partner members are eligible.
Award: Up to $3,000 grant to member’s organization, pin, certificate, recognition in a special ad in the Tampa Bay Times, and recognition in an issue of the association’s magazine.
Recipient will be honored at our Annual Meeting in September.