Supra eKEY and SupraWEB are currently addressing an outage affecting service. They are actively working to resolve this issue. Thank you for your patience.

The 2025 Membership Renewal invoices are available on the Member Portal! To avoid a $75 late fee, renew by Monday, December 16.

The 2025 Membership Renewal invoices are available on the Member Portal! To avoid a $75 late fee, renew by Monday, December 16.

Add, Replace, or Terminate an Assistant

MLS Administrative User (Unlicensed Assistant) Access

Please review the Florida Real Estate Commission (FREC) guidelines of approved activities for unlicensed assistants prior to registering an assistant by clicking here. Unlicensed Assistants must 1) not have a license at all or 2) have a license, but their license is in “inactive” status in the DBPR.

Once the application has been approved and processed, the assistant will receive an email notification from PRO, notifying them of their login, password and class requirements. Please allow 1 to 2 business days to process the application and gain access to the MLS. Payment must be received before this application can be processed. Fee chart is below.

Jan: $158.75
Feb: $150.00
Mar: $141.25
Apr: $132.50
May: $123.75
Jun: $115.00
Jul: $106.25
Aug: $97.50
Sep: $193.71
Oct: $185.00
Nov: $176.25
Dec: $167.50

*Fee includes $80.00 set up fee. Note: Fees are approximate; Stellar MLS is in the process of updating their fees.

Each assistant is required to take the Mandatory MLS Basic Course and MLS Compliance 101 for access into the Stellar MLS. These classes must be completed within 60 days. If they will be adding and editing listings they will also need to complete the Stellar MLS’s Adding & Editing Listings Course.

Click here to apply for a new assistant. Please email a copy of the assistant’s driver’s license to

Click here to apply to replace an assistant. Please email a copy of the assistant’s driver’s license to
Note: Please place name of assistant you are replacing on application.

Note: A Stellar MLS Setup Fee of $80 is applicable. Payment for all applicable fees must be included with this application. You will also be billed MLS fees by Stellar MLS in September. If the new applicant is replacing an existing Unlicensed Assistant a $80.00 setup fee will be due plus any unpaid MLS fees if applicable.

Click here to terminate the employment of an assistant.