Supra eKEY and SupraWEB are currently addressing an outage affecting service. They are actively working to resolve this issue. Thank you for your patience.

The 2025 Membership Renewal invoices are available on the Member Portal! To avoid a $75 late fee, renew by Monday, December 16.

The 2025 Membership Renewal invoices are available on the Member Portal! To avoid a $75 late fee, renew by Monday, December 16.

Emeritus Members

The REALTOR® Emeritus program is a special membership status honoring those REALTORS® who have maintained their membership for 40 years or more. Emeritus members receive a certificate and pin to show their status, payment of National Association dues is waived for the remainder of their membership, and they are exempt from the Code of Ethics Training requirement.

NAR Emeritus Status (exempt from all dues) requirements:


  • Forty (40) years of REALTOR® or REALTOR-ASSOCIATE® (or both) membership.
  • Proof of one (1) year of service at the National Association level as an NAR officer, director, committee member, Federal Political Coordinator Global Ambassador, or Global Coordinator to a county with which NAR holds a reciprocal agreement
  • Fill out application (below)

Visit NAR’s emeritus website

Documentation substantiating the candidate’s forty (40) years of membership and one (1) year of service at the National Association level must be attached to the application. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

NAR Emeritus Application Submission Deadlines: Deadlines: Every year there are two (2) Emeritus application periods: January 15th to April 2nd and July 15th to October 2nd .

NAR committee membership: Visit this website for information on how to join a committee.

To apply for REALTOR® Emeritus status, contact Sandy Yinger or fill out the application below:

Florida REALTORS® Emeritus status (exempt from Florida Realtor Dues) requirements:


  • Forty (40) years of REALTOR® or REALTOR-ASSOCIATE® (or both) membership.
  • Proof of one (1) year service as a Florida REALTOR® officer, director, committee member of Presidential Advisory Group appointee.

Florida REALTORS® Emeritus Application Submission Deadlines: Applications are due at any time during the year up to December 31st.

Contact Sandy Yinger for the Florida REALTOR® Emeritus Application