Supra eKEY and SupraWEB are currently addressing an outage affecting service. They are actively working to resolve this issue. Thank you for your patience.

The 2025 Membership Renewal invoices are available on the Member Portal! To avoid a $75 late fee, renew by Monday, December 16.

The 2025 Membership Renewal invoices are available on the Member Portal! To avoid a $75 late fee, renew by Monday, December 16.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We're here to help. Can't find your answer? Please contact us!

Member FAQ

Membership to GTR + PRO/CPRO is voluntary and based on the membership of the broker that you are affiliated with. When your broker joined GTR + PRO/CPRO, they agreed that every licensee who affiliates with him/her will also join GTR + PRO/CPRO. If as an affiliated licensee you decide not to be a member, your broker’s dues obligation will be increased to reflect the addition of a non-member licensee. Refer to the GTR + PRO/CPRO bylaws, Article X Section 3B

Log in here.

You will be asked to login using your NRDS number and MLS password. Updates can be made to your nickname, mailing address, email address, web page, phone number, languages spoken, and real estate specialty.

Allow two days for processing.


Brokers Office Information Change Form. This form must be signed by broker and faxed to membership at 727-231-8060 or email to Name change must show on the DBPR website This must be the office license on record with GTR + CPRO/PRO. Allow two business days for processing.

Affiliate Business Partners:

Affiliate Business Partners do not need to notify DBPR. Please contact Diana Katz, Affiliate Relations Manager.

Update must be completed on the DBPR website Please have outgoing and incoming broker send an email to stating what changes they are requesting for the office and if the outgoing broker is remaining a member. If they are remaining a member state what office. If the new broker is not a member of our organization please call 1-727-347-7655 option 2 to get further instructions on joining.

Please email your certificate to to verify your designation. This information will be added to our searchable membership directory

Agent must be removed from the office by the broker on the DBPR website You must be registered on the DBPR website. Once the agent has been removed, please email us a request to remove the agent to If the agent has a Supra key please have them call GTR + PRO/CPRO for instructions.

Contact DBPR.

You can also verify your license expiration date on your card or search your license on GTR + PRO/CPRO does not track this information.

Your new broker must make your license active with their office in the DBPR. Verify at

Fill out the online transfer form and allow two business days for processing. Please review information on link pertaining to listing transfers.

If you have active listings, Stellar MLS will not transfer them. Visit our MLS Listing Transfers page for instructions, fees, and transfer form.

Protecting our marks and brands is the responsibility of all of us, because it benefits all of us. We must ensure the public can distinguish REALTOR® members from non-members. This protection starts with consistent, proper usage.

Visit our Logos & Trademarks page for pertinent guidelines, links, and files.

  • Stellar MLS Tech Support is 1-800-686-7451.
    Available 7 days a week. Closed for some holidays.
  • GTR + PRO/CPRO cannot assist with MLS questions.
  • Please contact Stellar MLS at 1-800-686-7451 to see if they show you have completed the Add/Edit course.
  • Stellar MLS can also tell you if the broker has given you authorization to Add/Edit.
  • GTR + PRO/CPRO does not have access to this information!
  • First have your broker remove your license from their office in the DBPR.
  • Once you have been made inactive send your request to
  • If you have a Supra eKEY you will also want to call and cancel your key at 727-347-7655 option 2. This will cancel your monthly eKEY fee.
  • No, but if you are joining another board in Florida your State and National dues will transfer.
  • A portion of your MLS fee will transfer if you are joining a board that uses Stellar MLS.
  • If you have a key with Supra (or lockboxes) and are joining W. Pasco they can be transferred. Please contact Membership at 727-347-7655 option 2 for more information.
  • Keys and lockboxes can only be transferred to W. Pasco if you are transferring your membership there.
  • Visit our Add, Replace, or Terminate an Assistant page. In the first paragraph there is a link to FREC’s guidelines of approved activities for Unlicensed Assistants.
  • An Unlicensed Assistant cannot have an active license with any office.
  • Cost: $65.00 set up fee and $105.00 yearly. Billing cycle is October through September. Fees will be prorated according to the month that they join.
  • Assistants are required to take several Stellar MLS classes within 60 days of joining. MLS Basic, MLS Compliance & Added/Edit (only required if they are going to add and edit your listings).
  • Assistants cannot have or use a Supra key! 
  • Visit our Add, Replace, or Terminate an Assistant page. In the first paragraph there is a link to FREC’s guidelines of approved activities for Unlicensed Assistants.
  • An Unlicensed Assistant cannot have an active license with any office.
  • Cost: $65.00 set up fee and $105.00 yearly MLS fee. Billing cycle is October through September. If you paid the MLS fees for the previous assistant, the balance will be transferred to the new Unlicensed Assistant.
  • Assistants are required to take several Stellar MLS classes within 60 days of joining. MLS Basic, MLS Compliance & Added/Edit (only required if they are going to add and edit your listings).
  • Assistants cannot have or use a Supra key! 

Florida REALTORS® Legal Hotline 407-438-1409

Visit this page for breakdown of local municipalities’ short term rental restrictions and their key contacts if you need more information.

Dues FAQ

To pay Dues invoice log in here. We accept all major credit cards. 

MLS fees are billed by Stellar MLS and paid through their website. To pay MLS fees visit Stellar MLS

We have a page for that! Visit our What’s Due Now page for information on MLS and(NAR/FR/GTR/PRO/CPRO dues.

Payment is due December 15 and we will add a late fee after January 3.

Membership to GTR + PRO/CPRO is voluntary and based on the membership of the broker that you are affiliated with. When your broker joined GTR + PRO/CPRO, they agreed that every licensee who affiliates with him/her will also join GTR + PRO/CPRO. If as an affiliated licensee you decide not to be a member, your broker’s dues obligation will be increased to reflect the addition of a non-member licensee. Refer to the GTR + PRO/CPRO bylaws, Article X Section 3B

Please note that if your broker has membership at more than one board you do have “Board of Choice”. This means you can join GTR + PRO/CPRO or whatever board your broker has membership at.

The dues invoice includes the annual dues for the Greater Tampa REALTORS®  + Pinellas REALTOR® Organization & Central Pasco REALTOR® Organization, Florida Realtors®, and the National Association of REALTORS®. Please review your invoice for the current fees. In addition, there is the opportunity to make a contribution to the PRO Foundation and RPAC. These are voluntary fees but you must change the contribution amount to zero to opt out.

No. GTR + PRO/CPRO is not set-up to receive online payment from your bank. You can make online payments through GTR + PRO/CPRO’s online payment center.

The current billing disclosure is attached to your current invoice.

  • The membership processing fees and Stellar MLS set up fees are one time fees.
  • Depending on when you join the local, state, and national dues are prorated. So for example if you join in February your local, state and national dues will be prorated for February through December. If you join in September it would be prorated for September through December. You would receive by email in October your invoice for the following year’s local, state and national dues. Dues billing cycle is January through December. Invoices are emailed in October and due December 1st.
  • Two days after we receive your payment for membership you will receive an email from Stellar MLS with your invoice for the MLS fees.
  • Depending on when you join the MLS fees are also prorated. So for example if you join in August Stellar MLS will invoice you for August of that year through May of the following year. In you were to join in January Stellar MLS would invoice you for January through May of that year. MLS fees billing cycle is June through May of the following year. Invoices are emailed from Stellar MLS in April and due mid-May. The due date can change each year so please check your invoice from Stellar MLS.
  • Login into your account using MLS id and password. Note, our system is case sensitive!
  • Click on link below “Payment Center”
  • Click on “View Paid and Unpaid Invoices”

Yes! If your current dues are paid, but you find it would be convenient to prepay your dues for next year, we have a plan for that, with convenient monthly installments. Click here for more information.


PACs have been around since 1944, when the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) formed the first one to raise money for the re-election of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. A Political Action Committee (PAC) is a popular term for a political committee organized by like-minded people for the purpose of raising and spending money to elect and defeat candidates. The PAC’s money must come from voluntary investments from members rather than the member’s dues treasury. PACs represent business, labor or ideological interests. PACs can give $5,000 to a candidate committee per election (primary, general, run-off or special). They can also give up to $15,000 annually to any national party committee, and $5,000 annually to any other PAC. PACs may receive up to $5,000 from any one individual. With the goal to establish the real estate community as a concerned, involved, and powerful political constituency, RPAC is the REALTORS® Political Action Committee. Raised through voluntary investments of GTR + PRO/CPRO members, RPAC funds are used for member education and political campaigns at the federal, state and local levels.

RPAC is the muscle behind NAR. RPAC represents over 400,000 politically active REALTORS® that members of Congress want as their friends. Recent legislative and regulatory successes include: The continued preservation of the mortgage interest deduction. Tax relief benefiting the real estate industry. Improving federal mortgage programs, allowing more families to join the ranks of homeownership. Eliminating burdensome regulations inhibiting environmental quality and healthy real estate markets. How will my investment be used? 100% of your investment is used to elect pro-REALTOR® candidates: 70% remains in the state to be used in state and local elections. 30% of your investment will be forwarded to National RPAC to fund key U.S. House and Senate races. Until your state PAC reaches its RPAC goal 30% is sent to National RPAC to support federal candidates and is charged against your limits under 2 U.S.C. 441a; after the state PAC reaches its RPAC goal it may elect to retain your entire investment for use in supporting state and local candidates. RPAC is neither a Republican nor a Democratic organization. Your investment to RPAC is a vote for a pro-REALTOR® Congress, regardless of political party.

Visit the 2019 Advocacy Success page at to browse an organized list of RPAC victory highlights.

The dollar goal of the National RPAC, set by the National Trustees, is $15 per year per NAR member. At least $4.50 of that goes to the National RPAC. This goal is called a “fair share.” To ensure that all states contribute their fair share to the RPAC effort, a states’ annual goal is determined by the number of members in that state based on the November 30 membership report. The National RPAC accounting year runs from January 1 to December 31.

According to federal election law, RPAC can solicit only individual members — i.e., non-corporate members of NAR and their families. The term “members” means all individuals who currently satisfy the requirements for membership in any one of the local, state, and/or the National Association and regularly pay dues. Executive, administrative and management personnel of the local, state and/or national associations are also considered under the NAR constitution to be members of the association and are solicitable even though they may not pay association dues.

No. Investments used for political purposes are not tax deductible on your federal income taxes.

Under the cooperative agreements in effect between the National RPAC and the state association’s Political Action Committees, the responsibility for making contributions to federal candidates is assigned to the national RPAC, while state association’s Political Action Committees decide which state and local candidates to support.

No. Under federal election law, the earmarking of contributions is illegal.

The National Trustees’ policy is to act only on requests sent from state associations and signed off on by the state trustees. Once the national trustees receive these requests, they have four options: Amend, Approve, Deny or Defer.

  1. Recommendations from State RPAC Trustees
  2. NAR congressional voting records and analyses of incumbent members of Congress
  3. Campaign intelligence reports provided by the NAR political and legislative staff.

No. The National RPAC Trustees’ policy is to only contribute to one candidate in any given election. However, the use of In-State Reception funds and D.C. Reception Funds does not necessarily count as a dual contribution if a challenger is supported by the National RPAC. Again, these are relationship-building monies.

The National RPAC maintains voluntary cooperative agreements with the state association’s Political Action Committees. States retain 70% of the money they collect for the support of state and local candidates and send 30% to the national RPAC for use in supporting federal candidates. Until your state PAC reaches its RPAC goal 30% is sent to National RPAC to support federal candidates and is charged against your limits under 2 U.S.C. 441a; after the state PAC reaches its RPAC goal it may elect to retain your entire investment for use in supporting state and local candidates.

Hard money has many restrictions on how it is raised and spent and must be fully reported to the Federal Election Commission. Hard money is raised from individuals, who can contribute up to $1,000 directly to a federal candidate per election and $5,000 to a Political Action Committee, like RPAC, per year. RPAC can contribute $5,000 to a federal candidate per election. RPAC can only accept money from individuals. Soft money is raised from corporations, unions and individuals. Federal candidates cannot accept soft money. Soft money is raised by party organizations, unions, corporations and associations. There are no limitations on the amount of soft money a corporation or individual can contribute, nor any limitation on the amount of soft money an organization can spend. Unlike RPAC, NAR can accept corporate contributions, which can then be used to communicate with our membership about a candidate through opportunity races or used for issue advocacy.

For more information about RPAC, visit by the National Association of REALTORS®.

You can also access additional information from Florida REALTORS® at

You can also contact us by email:

Most information for the RPAC FAQs above were provided by the National Association of REALTORS®